Creamy Mac N Cheese, 
     with whole wheat noodles

I experiemented a whole lot to find a way to make macaroni and cheese healthy and good tasting to the kids. It took the kids a while to get used to having whoel wheat pastas but within a couple weeks they were completely switched over and now prefer them. Once in a while I use organic white noodles made from unbleached, unbromated flour -- and even if it says organic I still check to make sure it does not contain enriched flour (it's crazy how you can be tricked into believing you are eating healthy food when it isn't even remotely healthy). Now, I also want to point out that we actually do not eat many dishes requiring store bought pasta, even organic, whole grain pastas because these are still mostly processed at high temperatures and contain little actual nutrition.
Someday in the near future I will have some contraption that will help me make homemade pasta simple and easy and we will then eat pasta to our heart's content. Until then, it's an occasional treat or last minute meal........

Macaroni and Cheese

1 box whole wheat elbows, cooked and rinsed with cold water
8 oz cheddar, freshly shredded (I never buy store bought shredded -- it's dry, processed, and doesn't melt well)
2 cups milk
1/2 stick butter
1/4 c whole wheat flour
1/2 t cumin
1/2 t sea salt to taste, add more if you like
3 oz cream cheese if I have it on hand

Spray small/medium saucepan and add butter to melt over very low heat. Add 1/2 cup milk and flour and whick together over the low heat (add cream cheese here if you are using it). 
 Add remainder of milk and heat to hot but not boiling and add cumin and salt. Add 3/4 cheddar and melt together sirring continually. I use a mini whisk for this which works amazing.
Pour noodles into a greased casserole dish. Pour milk-cheese mixture over top and evenly coat. Sprinkle remainder of cheese over the top.
You can either freeze at this stage or bake at 350 for about 20 minutes or until slightly browned on top.
Serves 6 as a meal, 8-10 as a side dish.

For adventurous families add cooked shredded chicken, tuna, or mushrooms before freezing or baking.

This is a variation from a recipe I found at The Nourishing Gourmet. It's very simple and so good for you! This is very easy to prepare, requires little physical work but it does require a

Braised Cabbage
1 medium cabbage, cut into  2 inch wedges
1 large sweet onion, sliced kinda chunky
1/2 - 1 lb lean ground meat (I usually use Shadybrook Farms 93% lean turkey), browned with a little sea salt and pepper to taste
sea salt and pepper to taste
couple shakes crushed red pepper
1/2 t dried oregano
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup chicken broth
2-3 carrots chopped into 2 inch chunks

Spray glass casserole dish. Melt coconut oil and whisk together with broth. Add vegetables to dish, mixed together. Sprinkle meat over top the veggies. Drizzle oil and broth mixture over the meal. Sprinkle with couple shakes crushed pepper, oregano, pinch of sea salt, and 3-4 twists of pepper (I use one of those twisty things that cracks/crushes the pepper as you go -- name of it escapes me right now). Seel thoroughly with foil and braise for 2 1/2 hours at 300 degrees. When you remove foil, bake another 10-15 minutes to slighlty brown the cabbage.
Serves 6.
Super easy and quick to assemble! Again, from dear Laura over at Heavenly Homemakers -- so mamy tasy, easy, wholesome ideas! her site has simplified my cooking life so much! You must check it out!!!

6 baking potatoes
1 pound Ground hamburger meat
1 Tablespoon Taco seasoning
½ cup heavy cream
½ cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 cup salsa
Preferred toppings such as lettuce, tomatoes, olives, sour cream, etc.

Scrub potatoes. Stab each of them with a knife (so they won’t explode!), place in a casserole dish, cover and bake at 350 degrees for 1 ½ hours.

Brown hamburger meat, drain and add seasoning (you can add the whole package of seasoning if you want, I just think it’s a little strong like that!). Stir in cream, salsa and cheese. Stir on low heat until cheese is melted.

Cut potato open on plate. Pour meat sauce over potato and load it up with toppings you prefer.

This is a great easy meal that I often through together when I don't want to spend much time preparing dinner or I need something last minute. It is super simple.

1 lb lean ground meat (beef or turkey, I prefer Shadybrook 93% lean turkey or organic, grass-fed beef)
6 -7 medium potatoes, washed, chopped into 1/2 pieces
oregano, 1/2 t
salt and pepper to taste
1 T coconut oil
3/4 cup chicken broth or chicken stock (homemade is very best because of al it's wonderful properties but I use low sodium free range organic from the store as well, which is fine!)

Brown beef in pan with oregano, salt and pepper. Spray a casserole dish, add coconut oil, melted, and toss in the potatoes and beef. Mix thoroughly. Add broth, cover tightly with foil and bake about 45 minutes in a 350 degree oven (or until potatoes are soft). Serves 5-6.